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Avui tenim 14 ofertes

Backend Engineer

Backend Engineer
Java, Springboot
Barcelona, Hybrid
Healthcare, Tech
Fa 1 any
Persona de contacte
Persona de contacte

Our Client is a Leader in the IT sector for primary care with 35% of the national market.

More than 25 Million active clinical records and 40,000 users support their trajectory.

After two decades of commitment Our Client has an extensive network of collaborators and health professionals who support their project. The commitment and passion for things have shown great ability to convene.

We are looking for a Senior Java Developer with experience in building high-performing, scalable, enterprise-grade applications.

You will be part of a talented software team that works on mission-critical applications. You will be responsible for Java/Java EE application development while providing expertise in the full software development lifecycle, from concept and design to testing.


  • Analysis, design and develop high-volume, low-latency applications for mission-critical systems, delivering high-availability and performance.
  • Contribute in all phases of the development lifecycle.
  • Write well designed, testable, efficient code.
  • Ensure designs are in compliance with specifications.
  • Prepare and produce releases of software components.
  • Support continuous improvement by investigating alternatives and technologies and presenting these for architectural review.
Requisits bàsics


    • BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related subject
    • Proven hands-on Software Development experience
    • Proven working experience in Java development during the last 3-5 years
    • Hands on experience in designing and developing applications using Java EE platforms
    • Object Oriented analysis and design using common design patterns.
    • Profound insight of Java and J2EE, JavaScript and Ajax
    • Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases: Oracle and SQL.
    • Knowledge with non relational databases: mongodb
    • Excellent knowledge of Ibatis and Hibernate
    • Experience in the Spring Framework
    • Experience in developing web applications using Spring MVC and JSF
    • Experience in PrimerFaces, Richfaces or IceFaces
    • Experience with test-driven development (TDD)


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