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Avui tenim 14 ofertes

Digital Product Manager

Digital Product Manager
User Centric
Fa 4 mesos
Persona de contacte
t. +34 619 079 418
Persona de contacte

Q-tech is currently collaborating with the leading partner in shopping solutions for beauty and perfume luxury retailers.


They are proud to offer innovative products that disrupt the perfumery and olfactory industry to be recognized as the authority in scent recommendations and experiences.


To help them continue expanding their offerings, they are in search of an experienced product manager.


The ideal candidate will have a keen eye for gaps in consumer product offerings and an innovative mindset for filling them.


This person should be a highly skilled market analyst with a proven ability to strategize the full lifecycle of a product, from conception to release.


Objectives of This Role:


  • Direct product and business planning processes across cross-functional teams.
  • Analyze customer needs, market trends, and potential partnerships.
  • Evaluate competitor offerings and identify opportunities for differentiation.
  • Define product requirements and ensure development of suitable programs to meet these needs.
  • Coordinate the development, implementation, and maintenance of production timelines with various stakeholders.
  • Formulate new product ideas and strategize effective go-to-market plans.



  • Oversee all phases of the product lifecycle, including research, competitor analysis, planning, positioning, requirement setting, road map development, and launch.
  • Convert product strategy into precise requirements for both prototyping and ultimate production.
  • Develop product positioning and messaging that differentiates the product.
  • Work closely with technology, production, marketing, and sales to deliver product developments and releases while managing resources for budget efficiency.
  • Maintain the ecosystem database to ensure quality and currentness of data.
  • Manage the brand portal to give access to third parties.
  • Generate briefs for service providers and external teams.
Requisits bàsics

Required Skills and Qualifications:


  • Robust experience in a dynamic product management role.
  • Proven track record in managing every aspect of the product development life cycle.
  • Effective at leading cross-functional teams.
  • Focused on achievement and excellence, with a history of delivering well-crafted products.
  • Creatity and attention to detail with a keen sense of aesthetics.
  • Strong writing and design capabilities, paired with presentation skills.
  • Passion for tech innovation as well as interest in the luxury, design, perfume, and art sectors.
  • Business and strategic vision of brand and product development
  • Digital awareness


Preferred Skills and Qualifications:


  • A Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in marketing, digital product design, or engineering.
  • Prior experience in developing digital products.
  • Proficiency in Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, and Illustrator.
  • Fluency in both English and Spanish is required.
  • Experience in the beauty, luxury, or design fields is a plus.


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